Terms & conditions DMW

Terms & Conditions

Article 1. General

  1. These conditions apply to every offer, tender and agreement between www.zoelen.nu/www.demuseumwinkel.com/be hereinafter "User", and a Party which user has declared these conditions applicable, insofar as these conditions are not parties explicitly and in writing.
  2. These conditions also apply to agreements with user, the execution of which user services of third parties.
  3. These general conditions are also written for the employees of User and its management.
  4. The applicability of any purchase or other conditions of the Party is explicitly rejected.
  5. If one or more provisions of these terms at any time wholly or partially invalid or void, it remains, in these terms and conditions are fully applicable. User and the other party shall then consult to develop new rules to replace the invalid provisions to agree, as much as possible the purpose and intent of the original provisions are observed.
  6. If uncertainty exists regarding the interpretation of one or more provisions of these terms, then the explanation must be found "in the spirit of these provisions.
  7. If there is a conflict between parties that do not occur in these general conditions, then this situation should be assessed in the spirit of these terms.
  8. If User does not require strict compliance with these conditions, does not mean that its provisions do not apply, or that the User in any degree would lose the right in other cases the strict observance of the provisions of these terms and conditions.

  Article 2 Offers and Deals

  1. All bids and offers of user are free, unless the offer a deadline for acceptance. An offer will lapse if the product on which the offer or the offer relates, in the meantime is no longer available.
  2. If the product is in the meantime no longer available we have the right to send you a comparable species.
  3. User can not have bids or offers to be taken if the other party can reasonably understand that the bids or offers, or any part thereof, an obvious mistake or error.
  4. In a bid or offer prices are inclusive of VAT and other taxes and any government under the contract costs, including travel and subsistence, postage and handling, unless otherwise indicated.
  5. If the acceptance (whether or not to subordinate points) deviates from the offer or the offer included the User is not bound. The agreement is not in accordance with said deviating acceptance, unless user indicates otherwise.
  6. A compound quotation shall not oblige user to execute part of the assignment against a corresponding part of the quoted price. Offers and tenders shall not apply automatically to future orders.

Article 3 Duration of the Contract, delivery, implementation and modification agreement; price

  1. The agreement between User and the Other is for an indefinite period, unless the nature of the agreement dictates otherwise or if the parties expressly agree otherwise in writing.
  2. For the completion of certain work or supply certain cases an agreed period or specified, this is never a deadline. When a term is exceeded, the other party user therefore written in default. User is a reasonable term to be offered to implement the agreement. The delivery date has to be within 6 months from the day of definite payment.
  3. If the order is cancelled, the deposit wil not be refunded.
  4. After the moment that we have send the order, the responsibility of the package is for the client. We are not responsible for any damage, missing, etc. during the shipment.

 Article 6 Payment and collection costs

  1. Payment must be made within 8 days after the invoice date, at a user to give way in the currency of the invoice, unless otherwise specified by the user. In two weeks after your order you will receive the final invoice, with the final shipping costs.
  2. If the other party fails to timely pay an invoice, then the Party is legally in default. In the case of a consumer's interest at the statutory rate. In other cases, the Other an interest of 5% per month, unless the statutory interest rate is higher, in which case the statutory interest. The interest on the amount due shall be calculated from the time that the other party in default until the moment of payment of the full amount owed.
  3. User has the right by Other payments made to stretch in the first place to reduce the costs, then deducting the interest and finally to reduce the principal and accrued interest.
  4. User can, without being in default, to an offer to refuse payment if the Other another order for the allocation of the payment. User can refuse full payment of the principal, if not also the outstanding and accrued interest and collection costs.
  5. Objections to the amount of a bill to suspend the payment obligation.
  6. It is possible to return the goods in one month of the invoice date. The shipping costs are on your own costs. See also the terms and conditions on our website www.dmw.nu. Shipping is on own risk. 
  7. When paying Party will agree to the transfer and is responsible for this than the rings and / or paper (CITES) and the "stuffed" animals other party decreases. There can be no claim for any damage, loss, control, etc. offense done. It is also responsible for the preparation of the other party that "moth" and "bug" free.
  8. If the other party in default or omission in the (timely) fulfill its obligations, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining payment out of court on account of the Other. The extrajudicial costs are calculated on the basis of what is currently in the Dutch collection is currently under the calculation method II report. If, however, higher costs for collection has been reasonably necessary, the actual costs for reimbursement. Any judicial and execution costs will also be recovered from the other party. The Other is on the collection costs also include interest.